As I mentioned earlier, I was thrilled to find out that THREE of my poems had been accepted for publishing by Writing for Peace. Their journal, DoveTales had put out a submission request for their upcoming themed issue: Resistance. This was a perfect call for me, as I’d been writing a lot in response to the protests and civil unrest due to the recent murder of George Floyd (and Ahmaud Abery and Breonna Taylor and, sadly, so many more). As a brown woman in America, racism has impacted my life negatively in more ways than I can recount and I had strong feelings about the issues. Due to the pandemic, my own illness, and the fact that I live with someone else who is immuno-compromised, public protests weren’t an option for me. So I’d been pouring a lot of my thoughts and feelings into my writing.

Still, I was amazed when not one, not two, but all THREE of the poems I’d submitted to Writing for Peace were accepted. It’s always exciting having your writing accepted for publishing, but there’s something different about being published on paper. Turning a tangible page to see your writing (on paper that you didn’t print out!) is pretty cool. I’d had my first poem published in that little pocket poetry book, but I was really looking forward to having THREE poems in this journal.

First, the online publication of the journal was released. DoveTales, an International Journal of the Arts: Resistance, published by Writing for Peace looked great online. I was so happy to see my poetry published and the rest of the issue looked so cool. I was impressed to see some beautiful artwork and I began enjoying some of the writing in the issue.

Issue Cover

There was a delay with the printer so it took a bit of time for the journal release. I’ll be honest. I’d expected a magazine. I know, I’d looked at the online issue, but I hadn’t looked at the page count, I don’t think and even if I had it certainly hadn’t translated in my head. When the journal arrived, I was shocked and impressed. I am so pleased and honored to be included in this book. It’s gorgeous. It’s 380 pages long and includes some beautiful art and photography that document some of the BLM protests that occurred over the seminal summer of 2020. The stories, poems, and essays in the book are thought-provoking and interesting. The guest editor, Brad Wetzel (also a Coloradoan!), wrote a really lovely editor’s note at the beginning of the book as well.

my poems can be found here the issue is here

purchase here


“I’m honored just to be nominated” is such an overused phrase. But when said, it is meant wholeheartedly! At least, I assume so! Perhaps some people are upset when they don’t win, but for me, the fact that something I did deserves a nod is worth a bit of celebration.…

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Rejections are rough but…

I’ve been writing poetry pretty steadily during this pandemic. I find it’s a good way to channel my grief, depression and frustration. Also, since I’m still having migraines more than half of the days, it’s pretty hit-or-miss whether I’ll be able to function on any given day. Sometimes, my ability…

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Rough Spring

Any of my readers who know me personally will know that this is a very difficult post for me to write. Things in my life have changed irrevocably. Of course, like everyone, I’ve been impacted by the COVID pandemic and I’ve been quarantining along with much of the world. However,…

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Mt. Kinabalu 1, Shantha 0

19/3/16 Today I am feeling so frustrated and disappointed.  Yesterday, I set out to climb Mt. Kinabalu.  Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in South East Asia.  From the Himalayas in the north to Guinea in the south, there is none to compare with the 4095.2 metre tall (13435 ft.)…

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Number the Stars (and the ‘Roos)

I’ve noticed that the further northwest I travel in Queensland, the more kangaroos there seem to be.  I’ve also noticed a marked decrease in Wi-Fi.  (This seems to be a direct inverse relationship.)  There have also been a bunch of termite mounds, many of which are clothed – yeah, t-shirts,…

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Bohol – The Wildlife Above and Below the Sea

Well, I feel a bit like a giant walking bruise, which is rather to be expected, given that I technically crashed a motorbike a couple days ago.  The true soreness actually comes a couple days after a wreck, and I certainly haven’t been lying around in the days since my…

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Wrecks in the Rainforest and Snakes in the Sea

I suspect that today was so horrible in order to underscore how wonderful yesterday was.  At least, that’s the idea I’m going to go with, since any other would make me just cringe about the suckiness that ended up being my day today. I’d planned to get up early-ish in…

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A Little Complain and Contrast

I returned to Puerto Princesa today after my trip around Palawan Island.  Tomorrow, I’ll go back to Manila for a few days before taking another trip to some other islands.  Tonight, I’m really living it up.  I’m staying at a place called The Citadel Bed and Breakfast.  It’s a little bit…

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Rescue Diver: Day One Done

I’m so glad I finished my first day of my rescue dive course.  I’m worried about the next two days, however.  There are two main things that worry  me.  There is a dive called the “hell dive” which is supposed to happen tomorrow.  It’ll probably be on the second dive. …

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Getting to My Rescue Course (or, Save Me from Sucky Travel Days)

(WARNING: Written while grumpy! May contain some cursing and general huffiness…) Today was the first day of my Rescue Diver course, a class which is a prerequisite for the Dive Master course.  I am in El Nido, a town on the island of Palawan in the Philippines.  I’ve heard the diving…

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