Sand Castles and River Homes

Ismael, Anna and I had made plans to meet up with Anas and Haitem over coffee the following morning.  Coffee, was a leisurely experience, as most of our mornings thus far have been, with different friends popping in and out to join us for a coffee. I think my favorite…

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Beaches and VIP Concert Moments

The second day of the music festival, we decided to go to Sidi Kaouki, which is a town near to Essaouira known for having a particularly beautiful beach.  Youness is a surfer, so he goes there a lot and wanted to show us the area.  His sister decided to join us, along…

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Essaouira, Port of Timbuktu

Wow.  Essaouira is so amazing!  It’s been such a whirlwind since I arrived that I haven’t had a chance to write anything down and I have so much to say, but I’m going to give it a go! I’ve totally hit it off with Anna, the girl from Belgium who…

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It’s Akchour Thing!

Akchour is, indeed, spectacular.  I am so glad I went even though it took a bit of doing to get there.  First, I walked from my hotel in the kasbah in Chefchaouen to the square where I could get a petite taxi to take me to the place where I could catch…

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Chefchaouen Blues

After an long bus ride, I just arrived in Chefchaouen, a town in Northern Morocco up in the Rif mountains. It’s a beautiful town, known for the way most of the buildings have been painted blue and white.  It looks a bit like I’d imagine a little mountain Santorini would be.  I…

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Figs, Fountains, and Facials in Fes

  Yesterday, after breakfast, Maia and I decided to go to a garden the French woman in our home recommended.  She used to live here in Morocco, so she’s pretty comfortable here and knows her way around.  Since the Jardin Jnane Sbil is relatively near to the Bab Boujloud (Blue Gate)…

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Leaving on a boat and a seaplane and another plane or two…

I have to leave the Maldives today.  I am very torn about it.  I had a wonderful time here.  I enjoyed the restful time I had, and loved the scuba diving.  I liked the people I met and the experiences I had while I was here.  I’ll be really sad to…

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Shark Week

Today I went for another dive.  It was a bit further out, to Angothi Thila, a reef known for having sharks and a lot of marine life, and it’s supposed to be worth it.  It was.  I had decided to rent an underwater camera they have available.  It takes underwater…

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Dive, Dive!

Wow, those boat dives this  morning were phenomenal, to say the least!  I literally saw half of the cast of Finding Nemo down there!  (Sharkbait, wooh ha ha!)  I saw a couple of turtles and a couple of sharks.  Also, the coral was incredible.  I wanted to float down there forever. We took…

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